Taking Action! :)

‘You must be the change you want to see in the world.’
– Mahatma Gandhi

Good Day Kunyung! 🙂

I hope your holidays were wonderful times and many happy family memories created! I spent 3 weeks navigating my way around California, Arizona and Nevada with my husband and boys! What an experience……hopefully they will never forget hiking the lip of the Grand Canyon, visiting Alcatraz, jogging across the Golden Gate Bridge, playing tennis in Yuma, visiting Hollywood, Disneyland, Universal Studios, basketball, ice hockey and basketball and spending time with family! They’re kids so these experiences may not seem as wonderful and special to them yet, but as adults…WOW!!! I couldn’t believe what amazing things we were doing together and I was reminded every day what a HUGE place the world actually is and how many different people live in it!

We saw some amazing sights and also some very sad ones. The amount of people begging for food and homeless in Downtown LA and San Fransisco, for example, was eye opening for all of us and started some family discussions that we didn’t really find answers to…………………it did start the discussion about the importance of Taking Action…………………..whether it be in our own home or within the community. We talked about how Taking Action can bring about change in small and big ways.  We saw many examples of people trying to make a change! Even looking on Facebook on our return I was reading through the ‘Love your sister’ page and inspired by what some people are doing in our community!

Taking Action can be as simple as acting on classroom learning and as large as raising money. It can include raising awareness of school-based, community or global issues and attempting to change someone else’s behaviour and/or thinking! Our school Working Bees are a great example of Community Action! J

Encouraging the Taking of Action @ Kunyung Primary School may not always lead to solving big issues BUT ……….you just never know!!!

If you have examples of children or families within our school community who are Taking Action PLEASE let us know. We have a school Action Team dedicated to raising money and/or  raising awareness of particular issues BUT we want to know how we can lend support to some of our families who are going above and beyond to support others.

We may not always be able to raise funds but we will try to support through the raising of awareness where we can!

Not only can it build community spirit but it can also change people’s thinking and behaviours!! Please let me know if there is something we can highlight in our community communication and if your child is taking action on their learning please let the classroom teacher know!

We are also very keen to get our vegetable gardens up and running again. We have a couple of very enthusiastic children and mums who are ready to start but any other support would be greatly appreciated! We are hoping to start growing our own vegetables and using them to make food for the canteen! Sustainable ACTION already!

I am very happy and appreciative to be back in Australia and Kunyung for another ‘ripper’ term!


Kim Jackson

Assistant Principal