Taking Action Part 2!

Taking ACtion 


You must be the change you want to see in the world.’
– Mahatma Gandhi

Good Day Kunyung!

Yes! This is the same heading as last week!! No….I’m NOT running out of ideas!

Last week I talked about the importance of taking action in the community………I also tried to highlight the different ways that action can be taken!

Well…………this week I wanted to highlight some examples of action being taken around the school as we speak!

Students in JBK share learning that they do at home- EVERYDAY!! Walking through their classroom is a delight, listening to children explain work they have done at home as a result of what they have done in class!

Mums have worked tirelessly this week organising the Mother’s Day Stall- all for the benefit of the Kunyung children (Their mums!) and the school!

We have a team of dedicated parents who are meeting regularly to put in place some actions that will support Kunyung to be a healthier place to be! (Please contact me if you are interested in joining this group! Everyone is welcome!)

There are so many other wonderful examples of Taking Action in the school and, as you know, I could go on and on and on using real examples BUT it is now time to hand over my newsletter article to the Student Action Team…………..take it away team!!!!

Hi Everyone

I’m Aria and I am one of the 11 Action Leaders at Kunyung. I would love to announce that we have got another fabulous action team this year! WE work with Mr Walker, Mrs Howard and Mrs Jay!

We will show you our faces in the next newsletter…….stay tuned!

What is the Action Team?

The action team is a group of 11 people who want to take action, and help others to take action, around our community; we are very excited to be taking action.

Some of the ideas we have discussed so far include:

Trying to get a community grant to build a friendship seat in the school, having a day a week for nude food, re building our kitchen garden and then using our own food for the canteen, raising awareness and money and items for programs like the Sail Program so much more!

Please look out in the newsletter for how we are going! We want to help other children in the school to join in!


We are very proud to announce Alfie in PB to be our first Prep to take a step of action!Alfie

Alfie was driving to school with his mum when he saw a little dog sitting on the side of Nepean Highway. The next day he found the same dog sitting just near his house, Alfie decided to take action and tell his mum to take the dog to the vet. She took the dog to the vet and now all thanks to Alfie the dog is happy and safe.

Thank you and congratulations Alfie for taking action.


Kimberly Jackson                   Aria

Assistant Principal                           Action Team Leader

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