Term 4 rolls on……….learning everywhere! :)

Good Day Kunyung!

This fortnight has been another typical Kunyung fortnight……………learning, learning, learning and some more learning- and that was just the teachers!!
Through some wonderful life experiences and through some explicit, ‘sense of urgency’ teaching and learning we are ‘humming’ along in more ways than one……………..we also received our Staff School Survey results back and I have outlined two of our most positive areas- even though they were all great!

Our Staff School Survey results showed that our staff strongly believe we have a high amount of collective efficacy at Kunyung- that we all have a responsibility for the planning, teaching and assessment of all students in our teams…..what does that actually look like? Here are some examples…..

·       Every week staff bring their class Student Data to our planning meetings- we look at this maths and reading data and discuss what teaching needs to be the focus for the following week, how we can move students further along in their learning and how far are they away from reaching their next benchmark (how can we get them there?). We discuss what direction the students want to take in our Unit of Inquiry and what are we actually looking for in our students to be able to say ‘Yep, they understand that!’

·       Teachers have been completing assessments that will inform end of year school reports and part of that process has been ‘moderating’ student work. At our weekly collaborative planning meetings, teachers have brought in samples of student writing to share, ask questions about and decide on a level as a team. We have discussed maths outcomes and reading levels- trying to share our collective experience, understanding and thoughts. Our aim has been to give every student the best possible opportunity to demonstrate their learning before a final assessment is made!

Another area of high scoring was the trust our staff have in you as parents AND the faith we have in our students’ ability to learn! How positive is that!!! It matches the high result from the Parent Opinion Survey that showed the high level of trust you have in our staff!

We thought that perhaps the work we are putting into opening up communication channels (Skoolbag app, newsletter, blog, diaries) between home and school, in regard to the ‘learning’ and events happening around the school, that parents have more of an idea about what is being learnt at school and how best to support their children. Our Staff have TRUST in you guys….what a compliment to you!!!!

Our staff also have confidence in your children’s ability to learn! Our work on developing a Visible Learning Culture where not only do teachers know What is being learnt, How best will it be learnt and How will we know what has been learnt BUT your children know the answers to these questions as well!!!! Our staff know that not all students are working at the same level (In fact our teachers know EXACTLY where your children are and so do they!!) but they have confidence that your children are al capable of learning and to be the best they can be…………

Just wanted to further reinforce two of the many positive things our staff feel about our school………..

Meanwhile in other news……..

Our Preps have been observing things in the environment they we have a responsibility for and, acting as custodians, as they learn about Sharing our Planet through the eyes of an environmental scientist! Reading and writing is starting to ‘take off’ and the Prep Swimming Program has just finished!!!!! Excitement reigns supreme!!!!!!

Over in ‘Junior Land’ our Juniors have also been looking at the world through the eyes of an Environmental Scientist……their focus being on structural features and adaptations help living things survive in the environment.
Their focus is on ‘how things function’ in the environment and that we all have roles to play if things are going to work!

Our Middle Students, not to be outdone, are spending time inquiring into how we organise ourselves. Their focus is on how we create organisations and systems to meet personal, local and global needs. They are looking at the systems and organisations we create to assist us in our learning. What roles do we play in these systems?

Our Senior Students have continued their inquiry into ‘Who we are’ and are spending time deeply thinking about what makes a ‘balanced’ person. It has been a perfect way to approach transition and has allowed students to address some of their concerns, worries, fears and excitement about growing up! A highlight has been the Family Life Program run by Family Life Victoria! Kelli is a wonderful presenter and the Seniors have approached such issues as developing positive relationships with maturity and confidence (and Kelli’s humorous approach has certainly supported these discussions!) SB have also been fortunate to have welcomed into their classroom, Ulli, grandmother of one of our Preps. She has worked with SB on developing the positive attributes inside them and attributes that a confident and resilient person displays. How lucky are we to have such expertise in our community! J

Let’s not forget FRENCH DAY next week………….our students will look amazing!!

Now……..after reading ALL OF THAT………which Learner Profile attributes do you think our students and teachers have exhibited over the past fortnight????? Have a look below and try to identify some they may have not only used but had the opportunity to develop!!!!

The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognising their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world. The IB learner profi­le represents 10 attributes valued by IB World Schools. We believe these attributes, and others like them, can help individuals and groups become responsible members of local, national and global communities.
IB learners strive to be:

We nurture our curiosity, developing skills for inquiry and research. We know how to learn independently and with others. We learn with enthusiasm and sustain our love of learning throughout life.
We critically appreciate our own cultures and personal histories, as well as the values and traditions of others. We seek and evaluate a range of points of view, and we are willing to grow from the experience.
We approach uncertainty with forethought and determination;
we work independently and cooperatively to explore new ideas and innovative strategies. We are resourceful and resilient in the face of challenges and change.
We use critical and creative thinking skills to analyse and take responsible action on complex problems. We exercise initiative in making reasoned, ethical decisions.
We develop and use conceptual understanding, exploring knowledge across a range of disciplines. We engage with issues and ideas that have local and global signi­ficance.
We show empathy, compassion and respect. We have a commitment to service, and we act to make a positive difference in the lives of others and in the world around us.
We understand the importance of balancing different aspects of
our lives—intellectual, physical, and emotional—to achieve well-being for ourselves and others. We recognize our interdependence with other people and with the world in which we live.
We thoughtfully consider the world and our own ideas and experience. We work to understand our strengths and weaknesses in order to support our learning and personal development.
We express ourselves confidently and creatively in more than one language and in many ways. We collaborate effectively, listening carefully to the perspectives of other individuals and groups.
We act with integrity and honesty, with a strong sense of fairness and justice, and with respect for the dignity and rights of people everywhere. We take responsibility for our actions and their consequences.


Kim Jackson
Assistant Principal
PYP Coordinator


BIG Understandings worth knowing ABOUT! :)

Good Day Kunyung Families!images

‘Long time no newsletter article from me’……..well, to be honest, I had a lesson in ‘flexibility’ and ‘adaptability’ last week…….I wrote my newsletter article twice and lost it ‘into the ether’ both times!!!

I admit that I was grumpy and frustrated with myself as it took quite some time to construct and, let’s be honest, we are all time poor! So maybe my lesson was really in ‘backing up my work’ or ‘not rushing’???

I’m not really sure what it taught me specifically BUT I do know that I could have looked at my situation through so many different lenses and I would have learnt a good lesson that could transfer into any situation!


FLEXIBILITY- Things are NOT always going to go as planned!

ADAPTABILITY- always look for a PLAN B!
SAVING- It’s always safer to save- just in case!

TIME MANAGEMENT- Manage your precious time so, if things don’t work out, you have time to fix it!
For me, these BIG understandings were far more important to take out of my lesson than the simple one of what my newsletter article was actually about!! (Ha! Not that it wasn’t excellent reading!!!!)
This is what IB calls ‘concept driven’ learning……..and it’s how we learn at Kunyung!
We use concepts to drive our teaching…….these are the BIG IDEAS that can be transferred and applied in many life situations. They are timeless and not value laden!
You may have heard your children talking about them (or not!) but once a concept is chosen, teachers use this concept in all areas in the classroom.


The key concepts include: responsibility, reflection, connection, perspective,

form, function, causation, change

Some example related concepts include: bias, evidence, opinion, loss, systems, consequences
You can probably see that these ideas are not ‘taught’ in a lesson but are used during class time tasks to develop an understanding of what they mean and why they are important to understand!

Our curriculum is ‘INQUIRY BASED and CONCEPT DRIVEN’ and all staff @ Kunyung work together to develop this………….please just ask if you would like any further information about how we use CONCEPTS to drive our teaching and learning!! 🙂


Please look below at our new Units of Inquiry for all Level Teams- this will be the final Unit of Inquiry for 2015 for all levels…….as always please contact me, or your child’s class teacher, if you would like to assist with any of the inquiries below!


THEME: Sharing the Planet

Living things share resources in order to survive and grow

Characteristics of living and non-living things

Plants and animals having similar needs

The need to share resources to sustain plants and animals

CONCEPT: Responsibility

RELATED CONCEPT: Custodianship


THEME: How the World Works

Structural features and adaptations help living things survive in the environment.

Adaptations that help survival

How adaptations aid animal survival

Adaptations of living things suited for particular Australian environments
CONCEPT: Function

THEME: How we Organise Ourselves
Organisations and systems are created to meet personal, local and global needs.

Personal, local and global needs

The structures of organisations.

The functions of and within organisations

Local and Global Organisations
CONCEPT: Connection
RELATED CONCEPT: Roles and Responsibilities

THEME: Sharing the Planet


Personal well-being is dependent on a complex balance of interconnected factors

The concept of ‘well-being’

Factors that contribute to well-being

Personal issues affecting our well-being
RELATED CONCEPT: adaption, growth, relationships

Have a lovely week and GOOD LUCK to all of our previous Kunyung students who are right in the middle of Year 12 Exams! Do your very best and remember that an ATAR score doesn’t define you, there are many ways to measure your success as a member of the community- a score is one way only……
Happy Days

Kim Jackson
Assistant Principal
PYP Coordinator